"Muses don't have to be pleasant to be inspiring." Wise words and not your last now that you've been to Helsinki. Happy Birthday. Welcome to the club!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Thank you, CK! You're right -- once you've been to Helsinki, there's no going back. I truly appreciate your reading and your restack! It means a lot to me.

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Glad to hear the water’s fine as I will be jumping in that decade pool towards the end of September! Hugs from Denver.

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Thanks so much, Doug, and it's great to hear from you. Thank you for subscribing. When it's time to jump, come straight to the deep end. That's where all the fun is!

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Jul 22Liked by Amanda Jaffe

Happy birthday, Amanda! Congratulations on reaching the big milestone! And I loved

Flock of Seagulls as well…and I really liked this little essay/story/anecdote, I love how you find and share the little connections that exist yet are not always right on the surface…

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Thank you, Kirsten!

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Jul 11Liked by Amanda Jaffe

That poor mama seagull, she never saw you coming, haha

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That's what my husband said! Who's side are you on? 😂😂

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Your best yet, Amanda! I laughed out loud at your reference to A Flock of Seagulls and “I Ran.” And I’ll be in that ferry to Helsinki in 24 hours. As you know, I mean that quite literally! (Bird repellent packed ✅.)

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Thank you, Matt!! I knew I could count on you to read the footnotes! I gather you have survived Helsinki's avian battalion. Feel free to send proof of life at your convenience. ;)

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Back in the US now after my Helsinki adventure... Perhaps you didn't know that the video game Angry Birds originated in Espoo, outside Helsinki? This cannot be coincidence.

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I did know, and you're right -- there’s NO WAY it could be a coincidence. I just can't believe I didn't make the connection!

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Although Hungry Birds might be more appropriate....

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Jul 4Liked by Amanda Jaffe

Happy birthday, Amanda! This was a delightful read, even if it brought back a couple of bad memories. A seagull once left an aerial dropping that landed directly in my friend's drink during an outdoor lunch. We paid our bill and quickly got out of there.

Also, both Helsinki and Vilnius are on my list for a trip next year. I will keep an extra diligent eye out for the gulls.

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Joey! My apologies for not responding sooner -- the fabulous trip was followed by a terrible cold, and I'm finally digging out from it all. Thanks so much for your kind words (about the piece) and sorry to have dredged up those memories (but that's quite the story). If you have any questions in connection with your upcoming trip, please let me know! Always enjoy sharing travel tips....

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Jul 2Liked by Amanda Jaffe

Loved this, Amanda! And a belated happy birthday!

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Thank you, Chris! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

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I had *just* watched a workshop on humor writing where we looked at that same Nora Ephron quote before I hopped over to read this piece—I feel like I was perfectly primed to appreciate it! Happy, happy birthday 💛 hope you have a spectacular sandwich on deck, far away from any birds.

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Thank you, Michelle! You *were* perfectly primed, and I'm so glad the timing worked out that way! It's a great quote, isn't it?

Working on that bird-free sandwich....

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Having 'gone to Helsinki' last year, I get the feeling it's just a station. Soon enough the train pulls away.

Happy Birthday!

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Thank you, Kim! Having left Helsinki a few weeks ago, I agree with you. The only question I have is, "Where are we going next?" and "Who's driving this train?"

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Jul 2Liked by Amanda Jaffe

Happy birthday and happy travels! Love the photo taken at Vilnius!

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Thank you, Sara!

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Jul 1Liked by Amanda Jaffe

Hahaha, happy belated birthday Amanda and a hearty welcome to the 'Helsinki' club! Loved this!🪿

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Thank you, Marta! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

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LOVE all of this, Amanda! (Especially mama bird saying she hadn’t eaten in minutes.) I feel like “going to Helsinki” is something we should all be so lucky to do! Happy Birthday!

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Thank you, Shelly! You're absolutely right -- I feel so fortunate to have gotten there, birds and all!

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I adore Amanda’s writing and sense of time, place and humor. I always feel like I’m there in all the human, immersive ways. Thanks!

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It's a mutual admiration society, Guy. Thank you for your kind words!

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Jul 1Liked by Amanda Jaffe

One of your best, Amanda! Loved it….. Travel safely and look up in large public squares:-)

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Thank you, Linda! We made it home just fine, and I managed to hold on to every meal after this one -- but I did keep an eye on the skies!

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Jul 1Liked by Amanda Jaffe

Also I could not help but think of the Monty Python skit: “Are you embarrassed easily” when reading this. I’ve been to Helsinki once and have to say I love it, especially the Sibelius museum.

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Jul 1Liked by Amanda Jaffe

Oh no! Sounds like the gulls had the gall to get your goodies… Loved the story and the illustration. Thanks for sharing!

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Thank you, Tim! Yes, the gulls had the gall once they realized how gullible I was. Shocking, no? Thank you so much for restacking -- it means a lot to me.

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